How to Overcome Fear of Failure & Gain Confidence in Yourself
How to shift your mindset about failure and keep it from holding you back.
A Fitness Mantra to Improve Your Exercise Experience
While doing a strength workout recently, my inner dialogue wasn't doing me any favors. So I started saying this, and the whole experience changed for the better.
How to Successfully Implement Short-Term Goals
Three mindset shifts to help you be successful with short-term goals.
The Power of Intense, Short-Term Goals
Small, consistent changes over time are awesome. But there are also advantages to intense, short-term goals.
Choose Your Identity (Stop Self-Sabotage)
Why your identity matters when it comes to reaching your goals.
How to Handle the "Ends"
How we handle the “ends” has a lot to do with how successful our new beginnings will be.
It’s Not Your Last Supper: How to Avoid Last Supper Syndrome
How to avoid last supper syndrome.
Not feeling motivated? Why NOW is the time to set goals.
A profound lesson I learned from habit expert Dr. BJ Fogg.
What It Looks Like to Stick With a New Year’s Resolution (the Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & the Comeback)
How last year’s resolution went… and what I learned.
What the Path to Success REALLY Looks Like
It’s important to be realistic about what the path to success looks like, and to be prepared for it.
In this 4 1/2 minute video post, I share a lesson I learned on the tennis court and explain how this relates to reaching our health goals.
How to Stay the Course
In this 7-minute video post, I explain how we can avoid frustration and stay the course, even when it feels like we’re not making much progress toward our health goals.
A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Overwhelm
Try this when you feel rushed and overwhelmed. (Not the mismatched outfit. I’m not recommending that, lol.)
How to Change a Bad Habit
Stuck in a bad habit? Learn how habits work and how you can change them.
Enjoying the Season You're In?
Are you finding the "summer" in your winter? On attitude and health...