How to Stress Less This Holiday Season

How to Stress Less This Holiday Season

I was talking with a colleague the other day about being ready for the holidays. We agreed that we didn't feel ready for the day, let alone the holidays!

Seriously. What is it about the holidays? Why do they get stressful, and what can we do about it?

Sources of Holiday Stress

A lot of the stress we feel during the holidays comes from:

  • Unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves

  • Eating, drinking, and spending too much

  • Too much (or not enough) togetherness.

Tho Good News

For the most part, these stressors are self-inflicted and unnecessary. In other words, we have a choice in the matter. We can do things differently. It's really that simple.

Something I Find Helpful

When I feel stressed during the holidays, there's one question that makes a big difference. I ask myself this:

Am I engaging in mindless consumption, or mindful appreciation?

Mindlessly consuming (food, drinks, excess "stuff," entertainment, etc.) makes us feel:

  • Unhealthy

  • Out of control

  • Overloaded and bogged down

  • Stressed

  • Ungrateful

  • Unhappy

But mindful appreciation can help us to feel the opposite -- healthy, happy, relaxed, grateful, and in control.

How to Stress Less This Holiday Season

When I consciously approach the holidays with this mindset, I'm better able to:

  • Appreciate the beauty of the season.

  • Take a step back from situations that trigger me, and realize that I'm likely stressing over something silly.

  • Recognize others' good qualities, instead of their weaknesses.

  • Savor some delicious food, in smaller quantities, without stuffing myself.

  • Keep things simple.

  • Focus on what's truly important.

  • Count my blessings.

  • Enjoy the little things (the glow of Christmas lights, reading books with my kids, laughter with family and friends, sitting by a warm fire, feeling comfortable and cozy).

How about you?

What’s your experience with mindless consumption and mindful appreciation? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment below!

This post was originally published on November 25, 2019.


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