Play the Part Now

Photo by Mike Powell, Getty Images

Photo by Mike Powell, Getty Images

I like the guy on the right. He's really going for it! I wonder why he's wearing cargo shorts. Maybe he forgot his gym shorts? I don't think this guy cares. He doesn't need conditions to be perfect. Gym shorts or not, he's going to jump right in! You've got to admire a person like that. :)

One day, when I'm...

How many things in life do we put off, to another time when we will somehow be better? For example, we might say to ourselves, When I'm in better shape, I'll...

  • join in on that charity race instead of just watching.
  • do that activity with my kids.
  • buy that new outfit.
  • have those family pictures taken.
  • schedule that fun vacation.

We do not wake up one day and magically find ourselves in this improved state. We must continually work toward that better state through consistency and commitment to a healthier way of life. This is an ongoing process, not a destination. So there's no reason to sit on the sidelines and put our dreams on hold.

Don't wait. The time will never be just right. -Napoleon Hill

Play the part today!

Buy that outfit that fits you today and makes you feel good about yourself. Wear it often. If you lose weight and it no longer fits, that's a great problem to have! There's no reason not to look and feel your best along the way. Your best will keep getting better. And as you continue to feel better about yourself, you will gain even more momentum and will not want to go back to the "old" you.

Join that gym, exercise class, race, etc. Although it will likely be uncomfortable and intimidating at first, there is great empowerment in overcoming your insecurities and gaining confidence in yourself.

Join in on fun activities with your family, schedule those memorable vacations (which don't have to be expensive or far away), and make sure you're in those pictures! Be remembered as actively living life, regardless of where you are in your health journey. 

This post was originally published on April 14, 2016.



Lessons from the French