Hi, I'm Kiley.

Kiley Owen, creator of Making Health A Priority

Thanks for checking out my blog! I help people to create a healthy lifestyle that is enjoyable and sustainable

I would describe myself as a:

  • Wife & Mom

  • Physician Assistant

  • Lifestyle medicine enthusiast

  • Bookworm type

  • Recovering junk food junkie

  • Reformed exercise hater

  • Wannabe minimalist (who has self-control issues in Target)

  • Wannabe (good) gardener

  • Decent cook but not a great baker

  • Imperfect person who doesn't have it all figured out, but I enjoy learning as I go and sharing with others!


Avoiding False Impressions

I'll be honest - I wrestled with the idea of starting a health blog for a long time. 

I like to write. That wasn't the problem.

I care about health. That wasn't the problem.

The problem was my notion that I needed to be a perfect example for others. I finally decided that that's never going to happen, and I resolved to just be myself, share my thoughts on the subject, and avoid false impressions.

I intentionally work to lead a healthy life, but I don't always get it right.

A few (not-so-flattering) things about myself:

  • I love junk food. (Who doesn't, right?)

  • I’m not athletically inclined.

  • I struggle with organization.

Yet some WINS in my own health journey:

  • Though I love junk food, I don't eat it the way I used to. I'm okay with having a small amount here and there, enjoying it, and not overdoing it (most of the time, anyway).

  • I may not be athletically gifted, but I’ve learned to enjoy exercise, I incorporate it into my daily routine, and I feel stronger in my forties than I did in my twenties.

  • I’m learning that organization (and simplification) lead to more margin in my life, which gives a great sense of freedom and well-being.


My Mission

I think about health a lot because of the work I do. As a physician assistant, my job is to help people get well. My passion is helping people improve their health without the need for medication — by creating a healthier lifestyle!

Some facts... The US spends more money on health care than any other nation in the world. And while the US is exceptional in some areas of health care, such as research and cancer treatment, we aren’t doing so well when it comes to chronic disease and prevention.

At work, through this blog, and with my own family, I hope to be a part of the solution, as it relates to preventive health in this country. It's all about daily choices, which become habits, which become a lifestyle.

I encourage you to be part of the solution too! When we make healthy lifestyle choices in our own families and social circles, we improve the health landscape of our country, and we improve our lives!

If you’d like free inspiration to help you with this, I invite you to subscribe to mHp!

Wishing you the best on your journey to better health!

Kiley Owen